Author: Tim Melvin

The Best Way to Find Market-Beating Investments

The Best Way to Find Market-Beating Investments

Tuesday, February 21, marked the SEC’s first quarterly deadline for Form 13F filings of 2023. Money managers of all stripes must file this form with the SEC 45 days after the end of every calendar quarter. Comparing this quarter’s filing to previous filings allows us to see what the nation’s hedge fund, mutual fund, endowment, […]

Forget Day-Trading – THIS Is How to Make Money Investing

Forget Day-Trading – THIS Is How to Make Money Investing

I am not much for market watching. Over the years, I have learned that watching the minute-to-minute and day-to-day gyrations of the stock market is a colossal waste of my time. Attempting to execute short-term trades to squeeze profits from the psychological soup in the intraday stock market is usually a fool’s errand. I know […]

This Is the Only Place to Buy Stocks Right Now

This Is the Only Place to Buy Stocks Right Now

The Federal Reserve is the swing factor in the current market. The tug-of-war between what the Fed officials have said and what the market thinks the Fed really plans to do is ongoing and makes for a problematic investing and trading environment. Even our favorite special situations landscape is pretty quiet. Insiders are sitting still, […]

Three Great Banks to Buy as Rates Keep Rising

Three Great Banks to Buy as Rates Keep Rising

Today I want to continue introducing you to some of the greatest investors around today and show you what stocks they expect to provide outsized returns in 2023 and beyond. This same idea has been written about in all sorts of financial media publications and discussed to death on cable TV financial programs. It happens […]

The World’s Best Investors You’ve Never Heard Of

The World’s Best Investors You’ve Never Heard Of

You’ll see them every year, right after all the market predictors are done with their end-of-year foolishness: countless articles that advise you to buy what the world’s best investors are buying. The problem is that most of those advising you to “buy what the world’s best investors are buying” have no idea who the best […]