Author: Tim Plaehn

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Check Out This Exciting New Income ETF

Dear Investor, The last six-to-eight months have seen a handful of new, income-focused ETFs hit the market. I think these funds give investors attractive and conservative investment options. Their dividend yields are in the 6%–7% range, with lots of potential for dividend growth. One interesting aspect of these new funds is that each uses a […]

The Power of Compounding Dividends During Rough Markets

The Power of Compounding Dividends During Rough Markets

Dear Investor, I have encouraged my Dividend Hunter subscribers to put our high-yield, monthly dividends on automatic dividend reinvestment for at least the last six months. I contend that automatic reinvestment through a market downturn and recovery will quickly build wealth. Today, let me show you a little math to prove that investment hypothesis – […]

Two Investing Themes to Beat This Crisis

Two Investing Themes to Beat This Crisis

Dear Investor, It seems we are going through several years of constantly hearing about the latest crisis – such as the pandemic and war – and we must figure out the best course of action. In part because of this most recent crisis, much of the stock market has fallen to correction territory. But there […]

car dashboard with phone navigation. car travel

Investing Lessons from 8 Hours on the Road

Dear Investor, I write this after spending a long day driving from the Reno, Nevada, area to Las Vegas, where I currently am as a speaker for the MoneyShow investors’ conference. It’s a 440-mile drive, so I had plenty of time to listen to CNBC on Sirius/XM radio. Eight hours of listening to the financial […]

Beat Inflation with These Profit-Linked Dividends

Beat Inflation with These Profit-Linked Dividends

Dear Investor, Investors are rightfully worried about inflation, which is now running at more than 7%. It will be challenging to decide which companies and stocks will be hurt by higher prices and which will benefit. One surefire strategy will be to invest in commodity producers that have directly linked their dividends to profits. These […]

How I’ve Made Money “Every Day” Through the Crash

How I’ve Made Money “Every Day” Through the Crash

Dear Investor, The market volatility that has started 2022 is making many investors nervous about their portfolios. But not me: I have been pleased with how well the high-yield investments recommended in my Dividend Hunter service have performed. One high-yield category in particular has really stood out, with great dividends and share price appreciation through […]

Three Easy Dividend Fund Picks

Three Easy Dividend Fund Picks

Dear Investor, For the last two years, much of what passes as investment advice, or recommended investment products, attempted to guess and benefit from short-term trends. However, many investors need long-term strategies and solutions to meet their financial and retirement goals. Finally, over the last few months, fund management companies have launched several new funds […]

Always Keep This Investing Metric on Your Side

Always Keep This Investing Metric on Your Side

Dear Investor, Recently I heard a TV stock pundit note that ever since Exxon Mobil (XOM) was booted from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, its share price is up over 100%.  Meanwhile, the hot tech-sector stock that replaced Exxon is down 21%. This story indicates how often investors don’t take valuation into their investment decision […]

Add These Energy Stocks to Your Portfolio Now

Add These Energy Stocks to Your Portfolio Now

Dear Investor, Do not believe rumors that the price of crude oil has stopped climbing. Nearly unstoppable supply-and-demand forces point to continued gains for energy stocks – a trend that cannot be controlled by words from the Federal Reserve or other government authorities. So if your portfolio doesn’t have enough exposure to the energy sector, […]

Coins in sack and plant glowing in savings money, Passive income, Pension and retirement concept. Investment in business development for growth and success, dividend payment to investors.

A New Breed of Dividend Growth ETFs is Here

Dear Investor, As technology stock investors rotate out of money-losing, used-to-be growth stocks, focusing on dividend growth should serve investors well in these volatile times. Two newer ETFs, offering both current yield and potential dividend growth, may be just what investors are looking for. With a dividend growth strategy, dividend income provides a current cash […]