Last Monday, July 19, 2021, the U.S. stock market dropped almost 950 points, or 2.7%, on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. While 2.7% doesn’t sound like a lot, the negative dollar figure was eye-opening when applied to a sizeable brokerage account. I received many subscriber emails asking what to buy, what to sell, what to […]
Author: Tim Plaehn
Flash Crash Fundamentals
Last Monday, a stock market “mini-crash” scared a lot of investors, with many questioning whether this was the start of the next big market drop. Fortunately, it was just a one-day scare, but a day like last Monday helps reinforce some lessons for long-term investors. To start, despite the myriad reasons floated by the financial […]
How To Get Paid To Sell Stocks
My goal with my different income-focused services is to help my subscribers earn more money than they would by following the old-school types of investment advice. I recommend higher yields in my Dividend Hunter service. For my dividend growth newsletter, Monthly Dividend Multiplier, I do not settle for the 2.5% to 3% yields that you […]
How to Avoid Panicking When Your Options Trades Look Negative
Selling call options, referred to as covered call trading, is great fun and—when done right—attractively profitable. Your broker will be happy to show you how to get started with covered call selling. What they may not be as clear about is what happens after you sell that first call option. I know from subscribers to […]
How to Calculate Your Returns on Covered Call Trades
I know talking about investment yields and returns can be confusing, and actually understanding what happens can be even more daunting. However, we are trying to make money on our money, and understanding potential returns—both as percentages and dollars—helps separate good opportunities from those that are less attractive. If you have dabbled with stock options, […]
Your First Step To Getting Extra Income From Your Dividend Stocks
Our covered call recommendations service – Weekly Income Accelerator – is popular with investors who have not previously traded options. Doing covered calls for extra income is a natural extension of the high-yield investing strategy I lead with the Dividend Hunter service. If you are like many who join us, you may quickly find that […]
Turn Any Stock into a Source of Steady Income
My email inbox regularly fills with questions about how to reach a certain level of monthly retirement income. The notes typically come from retired or nearly-retired individuals who realize their retirement savings at the financial advisor-recommended 4% annual withdrawal rate will not produce the amount of income wanted or needed. I want to share one […]
Validation of Using Easy Covered Call Strategies
I often refer to covered calls as the third leg of a balanced, income-focused investment approach. (Three legs because it takes at least that many to make any chair or table stable and functional—the others are cash flow with high-yield stocks like in the Dividend Hunter and stocks consistently growing dividends like those in my […]
This Monthly Payer Needs to Find a Home In One of My Portfolios
This year, I developed a great interest in funds, usually ETFs, that use covered call strategies to boost the dividend income paid to investors. I currently include three of this type of funds on my Dividend Hunter recommendations list. Beyond these, I have put together a list of more than 20 covered call ETFs, and […]
This Closed-End Fund is a Rare Junkyard Gem
Because I research and recommend high-yield investments, I often receive questions about individual closed-end funds, sometimes referred to as CEFs. According to CEF Connect, 285 closed-end funds yield between 5% and 28%. It is easy to understand why closed-end funds attract yield-hungry investors like moths to the flame. When asked about a closed-end fund, my […]