The COVID-19 pandemic may have slowed the implementation of new renewable energy projects but the crisis will prove to be a blip in the long term trend. The trend of the decommissioning of coal-fired power and the growth of renewably sourced electricity will continue for decades. Here are some projections. In January 2020, the U.S. […]
Author: Tim Plaehn
MCD, WEN, YUM, and QSR Drive-Thru Operations Keep the Dividends Flowing
Did you notice, as much of the economy was forced to shut down and people were told to stay home, how long the drive-through lines became at fast-food restaurants? Americans already loved drive-throughs before the pandemic, and then social distancing rules made the drive-through a necessity of life. Pre-pandemic, I was always amused by the […]
Take-Out and Delivery Stocks CASY, DPZ, PZZA Nearing 52-Week Highs: Still Room to Run?
The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and spread of COVID-19 infections pushed federal and state leaders to the unprecedented actions of shutting down a wide swath of the economy and telling citizens to stay at home to avoid being exposed to, or spreading, the virus. A primary victim of the shutdown was the dine-in restaurant […]
Three Dividend Payers Hitting New Highs During the Pandemic
The shutdowns ordered by city and state officials had the perverse effect of labeling brick-and-mortar businesses as either essential or non-essential. An essential business designation allowed those businesses to remain open. Non-essential companies were forced to close their doors; those companies whose employees could not do their jobs from home soon found they were furloughing […]
Pick Up DG, ROST, and TJX As More Consumers Return to Stores Than Restaurants
Retail stores and sit-down restaurants were two types of business decimated by the coronavirus pandemic. Now in most of the country, these business types are in the early days of reopening. The big question is how fast consumers will return to in-store shopping and dining out. Investors want to know which companies will see business […]
One Easy Formula for a Retirement of Endless Income
Many investors buy hot or well-known stocks in the hope that share prices will continue to rise. However, as I was advised many years ago, hope is not a plan. The plan I share with my subscribers derives from conversations I had over several decades with investors who have actually become wealthy by investing in […]
This Corner of the High-Yield Space Is Thriving In the Pandemic
The stock market crash that began at the end of February and lasted through the end of March was especially brutal for high-yield investments. There is some logic to the deep sell-off of higher yield dividend stocks. These companies pay out most of their free cash flow as dividends, and the economic shutdown puts those […]
These Four Recreational Dividend Stocks Are Up Double Digits and More As We Come Out of Lockdown
The reopening of closed business in the U.S. has started in anticipation of today’s Memorial Day Holiday. The trend will accelerate as we move into the summer months. However, don’t expect every company to bounce back to what it was before the crisis. Many industries will suffer long-lasting effects from the shutdown. Others may benefit […]
Worried About Another Market Drop? Buy THIS
Last week (May 11-15), prices for precious metals spiked higher. In just a week, gold gained 2.7% and silver climbed by 6.5%. But don’t think that you missed your chance. The recent gains are likely to be just the start of a strong run-up in precious metals value. The macro-economic factors now coming to the […]
These 5 Dividend Stocks Popular With Millenials All Slashed Dividends… And Won’t Pay Any For Years
In the years before the novel coronavirus, stocks in the travel industry—such as airlines and cruise ship companies—could be counted on for attractive yields and growing dividends. Of course, you are surely aware that cruise lines are shut down, and the airline business is off 90%. The question now is: what are the prospects for […]