Dividend Growth

Grow Your Income 3x Faster Than Inflation

Grow Your Income 3x Faster Than Inflation

I enjoy reading and listening to the advice and opinions presented in financial news outlets. The discussions mainly focus on hot stocks for short-term gains. The ideas are interesting but rarely apply to investors who want to build long-term wealth. Last week, however, a Wall Street Journal article acknowledged the power of investing for dividends. […]

rising steps made of rolls of all american dollar banknotes in one row on red wall background

Covid Changed Dividend Stocks – Here’s How to Adapt

A recent Wall Street Journal article highlights the significant number of companies that suspended common stock dividends in the early days of the pandemic and have not yet restarted payouts to shareholders. A company’s dividend strategy tells you a lot about how they think about us, the little guy investors. So let’s take a look […]

The American Dollar could crash the global economy

The American Dollar could crash the global economy

The Euro-to-Dollar just hit a 20-year low the last few weeks.  The Dollar (DXY) has broken out of a 7-year consolidation period and moving higher.  And, as this happens, things will start breaking.  We’re already seeing the cracks in Europe with their economy tanking fast.  In my free video this week (I do this every […]

Growing Dividends is the Secret to Wealth

Growing Dividends is the Secret to Wealth

For the dividend-focused investor, nothing is better than one of your stocks announcing a dividend increase. So you can be assured that this Seeking Alpha headline caught my eye: 100 REIT Dividend Hikes Investing for dividend growth is a sure-fire way to build your wealth over the long term. The article explained that 100 real […]

Earn Income Forever – Even if the Stocks Change

Earn Income Forever – Even if the Stocks Change

We’d all like to just be able to buy a stock, hold it forever, and have all our problems go away. I’d like that too. In fact, that’s my goal with my Dividend Hunter service. There, I look for high-yield investments that can generate income for years, preferably forever. Unfortunately, the markets and the economy […]

How to Use Dividends to Find the Best Tech Stock

How to Use Dividends to Find the Best Tech Stock

When we talk about tech stock investing, we hear discussions of all sorts about different measures used for picking stocks. For example, some tech investors use year-over-year revenue growth. Others subscribe to a theory that has been floating around for many years, that the secret to picking tech stocks was looking at the percentage of […]

 2 Best Stocks for the 2022 Recession

 2 Best Stocks for the 2022 Recession

With a number of large-cap companies putting out disappointing second-quarter results, as investors we need to look to different industries and sectors for some bright spots. The 2022 recession will affect companies in diverse business areas a lot differently compared to what we saw during the pandemic shutdown of early 2020. Let’s take a look […]

Grow Your Income by 60% Thanks to This Bear Market

Grow Your Income by 60% Thanks to This Bear Market

With the stock market down across the board, investors who were looking for capital gains are in a bad spot. But as share prices go down, you can get the same dividend payments for less money. In other words, dividend yields are going up. Right now, I’m looking at the yields from my Dividend Hunter […]

How I’m Doubling My Income Stream Every Two Years

How I’m Doubling My Income Stream Every Two Years

Building income by investing for high yields and compounding that with reinvestment just works. And the Rule of 72 gives an easy way to project what turn out to be very attractive future results. Today, I want to show you this by revealing the income growth in my personal retirement account… And how I’m doubling […]