All investors have different goals. Some are simply Wall Street hobbyists, while others are future retirees who want to store up a nest egg. On top of letting you enjoy the thrill of the trading floor and save for the future, a dividend investing portfolio can provide you with a stable source of income as […]
Dividend Growth
Preferred Stocks: Higher Yields, Safer Dividends
Before the coronavirus pandemic and resulting financial crisis, I was lukewarm about preferred stocks. For my Dividend Hunter service, I felt that high-yield common shares provided all the opportunity needed to build an attractive income stream. The pandemic-triggered stock market crash and numerous dividend reductions and suspensions pushed me to reevaluate my thoughts about individual […]
When Do You Sell A Stock Paying 18% That’s Tripled in Price?
What a difference a vaccine makes! I am talking, of course about how my Dividend Hunter readers—the ones getting an average of 9% yields on our portfolio holdings—feel about their income-focused, stock market investments in light of the good news last Monday about an effective coronavirus vaccine. The news lit a fire under share prices […]
Buying 9%, 11%, and 15% Secure Dividends at Bargain Prices
It is an exciting time to be an income-focused investor. Business results are improving, yet share prices have not recovered from the February-March crash. The lack of share price recovery allows us to pick up shares of solid income stocks at excellent yields. Who wouldn’t like earning 9%, 11%, or even 15% from an investment […]
Double Digit Dividend Yields and The Potential For 100% Stock Price Gains
For the broader U.S. stock market, the pandemic-triggered crash has come and gone. In February and March, the S&P 500 stock index experienced a short-term bear market, dropping by over 35% from its early-February peak to the late-March bottom. The S&P 500 steadily recovered the losses and then some, with the index now up 11% […]
The Dividend Payer That’s Up 3,000% And You Probably Didn’t Know It Pays Dividends
It feels like COVID-19 is stealing summer. With businesses closed, large gatherings banned, and no baseball (yet), we are in July, but it does not feel like summer should feel. However there is one traditional Fourth of July event that has not been canceled and may help you get that summer feeling. Nathan’s Famous International […]
[Video] The Dividend Payer That’s Up 3,000% And You Probably Didn’t Know It Pays Dividends
It feels like COVID-19 is stealing summer. With businesses closed, large gatherings banned, and no baseball (yet), we are in July, but it does not feel like summer should feel. However there is one traditional Fourth of July event that has not been canceled and may help you get that summer feeling. Nathan’s Famous International […]
Take-Out and Delivery Stocks CASY, DPZ, PZZA Nearing 52-Week Highs: Still Room to Run?
The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and spread of COVID-19 infections pushed federal and state leaders to the unprecedented actions of shutting down a wide swath of the economy and telling citizens to stay at home to avoid being exposed to, or spreading, the virus. A primary victim of the shutdown was the dine-in restaurant […]
One Easy Formula for a Retirement of Endless Income
Many investors buy hot or well-known stocks in the hope that share prices will continue to rise. However, as I was advised many years ago, hope is not a plan. The plan I share with my subscribers derives from conversations I had over several decades with investors who have actually become wealthy by investing in […]
These Four Recreational Dividend Stocks Are Up Double Digits and More As We Come Out of Lockdown
The reopening of closed business in the U.S. has started in anticipation of today’s Memorial Day Holiday. The trend will accelerate as we move into the summer months. However, don’t expect every company to bounce back to what it was before the crisis. Many industries will suffer long-lasting effects from the shutdown. Others may benefit […]