Dividend Growth

Preferred Stock Vs. Common Stock Written on Blue Key of Metallic Keyboard. Finger pressing key.

Preferred Stocks: Higher Yields, Safer Dividends

Before the coronavirus pandemic and resulting financial crisis, I was lukewarm about preferred stocks. For my Dividend Hunter service, I felt that high-yield common shares provided all the opportunity needed to build an attractive income stream. The pandemic-triggered stock market crash and numerous dividend reductions and suspensions pushed me to reevaluate my thoughts about individual […]

Stock market chart

When Do You Sell A Stock Paying 18% That’s Tripled in Price?

What a difference a vaccine makes! I am talking, of course about how my Dividend Hunter readers—the ones getting an average of 9% yields on our portfolio holdings—feel about their income-focused, stock market investments in light of the good news last Monday about an effective coronavirus vaccine. The news lit a fire under share prices […]


Buying 9%, 11%, and 15% Secure Dividends at Bargain Prices

It is an exciting time to be an income-focused investor. Business results are improving, yet share prices have not recovered from the February-March crash. The lack of share price recovery allows us to pick up shares of solid income stocks at excellent yields. Who wouldn’t like earning 9%, 11%, or even 15% from an investment […]

One Easy Formula for a Retirement of Endless Income

One Easy Formula for a Retirement of Endless Income

Many investors buy hot or well-known stocks in the hope that share prices will continue to rise. However, as I was advised many years ago, hope is not a plan. The plan I share with my subscribers derives from conversations I had over several decades with investors who have actually become wealthy by investing in […]