Dividend Investing

Melbourne, Australia - May 23, 2016: Close-up view of Google Play Store on Android smartphone and Apple's App Store on iPhone. Both stores allow users to download app, music, movies and TV shows.

Are Stock Buybacks Good For Dividend Investors?

As I review 2021’s first-quarter earnings results, I have been struck by how company after company announced new or increased share buyback programs. Companies describe buybacks as “returning cash to shareholders.” I think that is a load of crap, and I have several thoughts on why widespread stock buybacks are a terrible idea. Alphabet Inc. […]

The Best Post-Pandemic High-Yield Dividend Turnaround Stock

The Best Post-Pandemic High-Yield Dividend Turnaround Stock

The “coronacrash” of February–March 2020 devastated some previously outstanding income stocks. It has been interesting to watch how different companies handled the crisis and how they have performed coming out of the ruins. One of my favorite finance real estate investment trusts (REITs) has made all the right moves to keep the recovery of the […]

How Do I Invest In Dividend-Paying Stocks?

How Do I Invest In Dividend-Paying Stocks?

You invest in dividend-paying stocks by researching stocks by first understanding how they work and the terminology that accompanies them. Today I want to offer some help for anyone who is feeling confused by all the information available on financial news platforms. I see many people with little investment experience jumping into the stock markets […]