Energy Investing

FuelCell Energy Still Looks Overvalued

FuelCell Energy Still Looks Overvalued

Hydrogen pure-play stocks outperformed the overall market in 2020 and continue to do well in 2021. Hydrogen-related investments have attracted investor interest, as bullish sentiment believe the element — which emits no greenhouse gas when burned or used in fuel cells — may be a viable option to help the world meet its climate goals. […]

pipeline connection  from crude oil field

Get a Reliable 21% Yield From the Unloved Energy Sector

For 2020, energy has been at the bottom of the list of S&P sectors. Year-to-date, energy as a market sector remains down by over 50%, and the investing public continues to avoid energy company stocks. However, the business of energy has held up well through the pandemic—especially the midstream energy companies. Energy midstream services connect […]

Trade of the Week: XOM

Trade of the Week: XOM

It’s been a long time since Exxon Mobil (XOM) has been in the news. The oil powerhouse used to be the largest company in the world, but now it doesn’t even crack the top 50 companies in terms of market cap. However, the stock was up 5% one day last week after the company made […]

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Three Energy Stocks Poised to Double

2020 has been a wild ride for investors in energy infrastructure stocks. A range of factors, including energy demand destruction due to COVID-19, a meltdown of the high-yield investment sectors, and a perception that new, renewable energy technologies, will quickly replace oil and gas usage. Energy infrastructure, sometimes called energy midstream, are the services that […]