High-Yield Investing

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Will These Target Yield ETFs Redefine Income Investing?

The universe of high-yield, option strategy ETFs continues to explode, with new funds launching every week. Last week, I added three new ETFs to my database. Of the 85 ETFs I am tracking and watching, 33 are less than one year old. Newly launched ETFs typically come with a new approach to the option strategy […]

Offshore wind energy

Is This Energy Stock Yielding 20% Doomed?

With a current yield near 20%, investors are wondering whether NextEra Energy Partners (NEP) is a high-yield deal, or a dividend cut trap. Let’s look at what brought us here and make some guesses about NEP’s future. From its IPO a decade ago until September last year, NEP was a dividend growth investor’s dream stock. […]

How to Unlock Massive Income with These High-Yield ETFs

How to Unlock Massive Income with These High-Yield ETFs

Over the last couple of years, there has been a massive increase in new ETFs that employ more advanced portfolio management and options strategies. Earlier this year, we launched our ETF Income Edge service to help investors navigate the sometimes-bewildering world of these new types of ETFs. For example, we explain how an ETF can […]

rising steps made of rolls of all american dollar banknotes in one row on red wall background

Here’s Where to Get a Consistent 10% Yield

This month we’re celebrating the 10th anniversary of my Dividend Hunter high-yield investment service. Over the years, I found that the recommended investments (portfolio) list carried an average yield of around 8%. I recently took another look at the current average yield and was quite surprised that it was above 10%. Let’s see what’s changed. […]

Act Now to Get Special Dividends Deposited in Your Account

Act Now to Get Special Dividends Deposited in Your Account

A special dividend announcement in my inbox reminded me it’s that time of year: special dividends season. For certain types of stocks and funds, special dividends point to a high probability of future dividend increases. That’s a big help in a year when falling share prices made us wonder about the stability of our investment […]

The Simplest Way to Put Your Savings to Work Safely

The Simplest Way to Put Your Savings to Work Safely

A recent Wall Street Journal article stated that Americans missed out on $42 billion of interest income because of where they keep their money. The culprits are the low-yielding savings accounts offered by America’s big banks. As luck would have it, there are much better places to put your money. Places that will generate much […]

Lock in 10% Yields Today

Lock in 10% Yields Today

With the Federal Reserve ratcheting up interest rates, preferred share prices have tumbled. The lower prices offer the chance to lock in excellent yields of 10% or even more – all from secure dividends. However, there are some crucial features of preferred shares that you need to understand first. Let me show you how to […]

Bond Yields Dropping… His Sector is Starting to Fly!

Bond Yields Dropping… His Sector is Starting to Fly!

Yields on 10-year notes are dropping… Which has flipped the switch on one particular sector to turn pretty bullish almost overnight.  As yields come down…  Bond buyers are less interested and search for other sectors to find a healthy yield.  I’ve found a conservative play to park some money in right now.  It’s not going […]

How Squeeze Extra Cash From Your Bond Funds With Options

How Squeeze Extra Cash From Your Bond Funds With Options

With interest rates moving higher, so are bond yields.  However, bond funds still aren’t that exciting from a yield perspective.  For instance, iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF (IEF) has a dividend yield of only 1.5%. One way to boost the cash flow from popular bond funds like IEF is to sell calls against the […]