Income Investing

The Best Income Investment for the Next Market Crash

The Best Income Investment for the Next Market Crash

Dear Investor, It’s different this time, truly. I am speaking, of course, of the 2020 stock market crash. One effect of the pandemic-triggered market drop was large declines for every type of high-yield asset. Declines hit every income category, no matter the level of risk or safety. That was a one-time occurrence, and during the […]

Hand putting Coins in glass jar with retro alarm clock  for time to money saving for retirement concept

Will You Be One of the 1 in 10 to Live Past Age 95?

I like to close out each year with a mentoring article. Something from the heart, out of the mainstream, and lead into the new year on a positive note. MarketWatch labeled me a RetireMentor. I enjoy sharing my life experiences, good and bad, in hopes of helping others through their journey. I’ve had some medical […]

Senior couple paying bills online on laptop at home

Traditional Retirement Planning is Broken – Here’s Your Fix

Dear Reader, A recent Wall Street Journal article, “The Rules of Retirement Spending Are Changing,” did not bring good news. Instead, the article clearly reveals that traditional financial planning rules for retirement will not work for those who have diligently saved to fund a comfortable life after decades of work. I want to propose a […]

Business composition. Financial analysis - income statement, business plan

What to Look For in Earnings Reports from Dividend Stocks

Every quarter, companies report their earnings. And every quarter new investors ask what to look for in earnings reports from dividend stocks. Most companies follow a calendar quarter, so I will be digging through a flood of third-quarter earnings reports over the next four weeks. While I review hundreds of company earnings reports, I focus […]

Turn Any Stock into a Source of Steady Income

Turn Any Stock into a Source of Steady Income

My email inbox regularly fills with questions about how to reach a certain level of monthly retirement income. The notes typically come from retired or nearly-retired individuals who realize their retirement savings at the financial advisor-recommended 4% annual withdrawal rate will not produce the amount of income wanted or needed. I want to share one […]