
Revealing the Big Picture of Gold’s Untapped Potential

Revealing the Big Picture of Gold’s Untapped Potential

In today’s short discussion on gold, I aim to cover two key points. Firstly, I’ll share my outlook on the multi-year price target for gold. Secondly, I’ll explore a strategy to generate yield, addressing a common concern about gold’s lack of dividends compared to stocks and other assets. Critics rightly point out that gold doesn’t […]

 November’s 2023 Rally: A Bullish Trap?

 November’s 2023 Rally: A Bullish Trap?

It’s time to put the November 2023 stock market rally into perspective because I’m seeing investors make the mistake of getting too bullish too fast. For all I know the rally can certainly squeeze a bit higher, but ultimately high interest rates will slow down the economy. What’s important to note about the November rally […]