
Magnifying glass over a newspaper classified section with  Job Opportunity  text

ZipRecruiter Changing Traditional Job Seeking

ZipRecruiter (ZIP) recently became a publicly-traded company, following its direct listing on the New York Stock Exchange in late May. The debut was a little different from an initial public offering because the company didn’t need the funding as shares came from stockholders. The company offered nearly 87 million shares for resale and didn’t receive […]

A Uranium Trade That Could Generate 233% Returns

A Uranium Trade That Could Generate 233% Returns

Most investors tend to think about solar, wind, and hydrogen fuel when it comes to green energy investing. It tends to come as a surprise that nuclear energy is also green. This is because nuclear power essentially produces zero emissions. And in the era of serious concerns over climate change, “zero emissions” is a huge […]

Trade of the Week: AAPL

Trade of the Week: AAPL

Apple (AAPL) traded a massive amount of options last week as the stock climbed to all-time highs. AAPL options trade on average 1.4 million a day, which is already a huge number. However, on one day last week, nearly 3.4 million options contracts traded. 78% of the contracts were calls and that tends to be […]

How Do We Stop Market Indigestion?

How Do We Stop Market Indigestion?

To see exactly how I’m trading this opportunity using options… Click the link below. In under 6 minutes, you’ll have a chance to watch over my shoulder as I make this trade. I’ll even show you what buttons to click in your account. These trades typically are only good for the next 24 hours, so […]

How to Calculate Your Returns on Covered Call Trades

How to Calculate Your Returns on Covered Call Trades

I know talking about investment yields and returns can be confusing, and actually understanding what happens can be even more daunting. However, we are trying to make money on our money, and understanding potential returns—both as percentages and dollars—helps separate good opportunities from those that are less attractive. If you have dabbled with stock options, […]

Blue pay keyboard button

Giddy-Up on GoDaddy

Shares of GoDaddy (GDDY) are once again making a run at all-time highs after building a nice base of support throughout June. GDDY is best known for its website domain businesses, but it is also expanding into other areas that should significantly enhance its bottom line. GDDY recently announced the launch of GoDaddy Payments, a […]