There’s been a crazy amount of options action in recent days in the electric vehicle industry. Lucid Group (LCID) is one of the latest EV stocks to get lots of attention by traders. The new company has a market cap larger than Ford (F), at least for the time being. On a day when over […]
Are Retail Stocks About to Take Off Before Christmas?
I’m looking at the retail sector right now, and I have a few ideas to try and play it. Many retailers are reporting strong customer traffic, but does that mean we’ll see a Santa Claus rally in retail plays? I’m looking at ONE stock in particular that could be a great play. I shot a […]
Trade of the Week: SLV
Last week was a big option week for iShares Silver Trust (SLV). The popular physical silver ETF got a boost as inflation concerns bubbled to the surface following a larger than expected jump in CPI. Over 460,000 options traded in one day last week, with calls making up nearly 90% of the volume. Calls tend […]
Stop Trading Options Like Stocks (Gamestop Example)
“Options are the same as stocks, just cheaper!” Ever heard a pitch start like that? Well, it’s wrong. Crazy wrong. Options trade much differently than stocks, and thus why it’s easier to lose money with options. (and this is coming from a 20+ year options trader). One key difference is options use of “implied volatility.” […]
A One Day NVDA Trade
Nvidia (NVDA), the graphics card giant, was up 12% one day last week. The company announced it would be creating a platform for metaverse technology, and the stock took off. The metaverse is the latest buzzword in the investment space and refers to collaboration in the virtual world. An interesting, out-of-the-box trade idea is to […]
Trade of the Week: SPACs
Unusual options volume can help you find trading opportunities, but also trades to avoid. Sometimes, instead of looking for the most action, the best course is to look at relative action. For instance, if a stock has options that are trading 100x the normal amount, it may be worth looking into. In the case of […]
Biggest Mistake New Options Traders Make
Every time I send out a trading alert for 11-Day Trader, I always get comments & questions like: “Well, Serge, you could’ve done this trade… or that trade…why didn’t you?” And yes, with options you have a dozen different strategies at your disposal. But none of the strategies will make you money. In fact, you’re […]
Buy Coca-Cola and Smile
Coca-Cola (KO) is an iconic brand that has been in business since the late 1880s, when it began to manufacture its eponymous drink. Now a Fortune 500 company, Coca-Cola also produces a number of carbonated beverages that include not just Coke, but also Fanta, Sprite, and Schweppes, as well as the tea brands Gold Peak […]
Hedging Is More Important Than You Think
One thing that I’ve learned in the many years that I’ve traded options is that most investors hate hedging. It’s not the idea of hedging (i.e., protecting a portfolio’s downside) that’s the issue. It’s the cost. Hedging can be expensive over time. Investors generally are not fans of things that are meant to lose money […]
Trade of the Week: EEM
Sometimes, a useful method for finding good trades to make is looking at what other people are doing. For instance, we can easily search for large covered call trades in order to get trade ideas. One interesting covered call trade in iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (EEM) will boost the return from holding the ETF […]