
What Retirees Need To Unlearn To Retire Comfortably

What Retirees Need To Unlearn To Retire Comfortably

I was failing and didn’t understand why. In 1970, I started my career as an adult educator. My classes were predominantly male. That quickly changed in 1972 with the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment; my clients rightfully complied with the law. My historically excellent course critiques were tanking. The tipping point was when a […]

Turn Any Stock into a Source of Steady Income

Turn Any Stock into a Source of Steady Income

My email inbox regularly fills with questions about how to reach a certain level of monthly retirement income. The notes typically come from retired or nearly-retired individuals who realize their retirement savings at the financial advisor-recommended 4% annual withdrawal rate will not produce the amount of income wanted or needed. I want to share one […]

One-Stock Retirement vs. Diversification

One-Stock Retirement vs. Diversification

One-stock retirement. Those three words can stop you in your tracks, right? Is it a scam? A gimmick? Is it just click-bait? Well, not exactly.  Over the years, several financial advisors floated this idea and once in a while it gets some traction.  The concept suggests that investing modestly in just one stock could be […]

A Guide to Finding Dividend Stocks for Retirement

A Guide to Finding Dividend Stocks for Retirement

It’s hard to imagine a peaceful and happy retirement without a stable income. Sadly, bank deposits and bonds — the two conservative investments with the most predictable cash flows — can now barely cover inflation due to ultra-low interest rates across the world.  This leaves dividend stocks as the primary income-generating financial asset for retirement […]

If Not Now – WHEN??

If Not Now – WHEN??

My grandfather was a WWII Army Sargent, an uneducated farmer with a Ph.D. in common sense. One of the lessons he preached; the longer you ignore a problem, the more it will grow. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell never met my grandfather. This Schiff Gold article confirms my grandfather’s thinking: (Emphasis mine) “During a webinar sponsored by the […]

The Great Roundup

The Great Roundup

As a youngster, every Saturday we would head to the movies for a double feature of cowboy movies; all for the price of a quarter. Sandwiched between the storyline we saw scenes of cowboys rounding up cattle, herding them toward parts unknown. That was before McDonald’s, and we never saw them marching to the slaughterhouse. […]