Why do retirees crave guaranteed fixed income? It’s simple. Retiring comfortably is having enough money to enjoy your lifestyle, without constantly having to worry about money. Prior to the 2008 bank bailouts, Certificates of Deposit and top-quality bonds filled that role well. Current interest rates are pathetic. At current rates, CDs and quality bonds are guaranteed […]
Do Annuities Fit Into the Perfect Retirement Plan?
My wife Jo had some CDs mature. If we renewed them at the current .4% rate, she would take an 80% income cut. She remarked, “That’s not enough income to pay the bills. We don’t want to tap into the principal each month to make ends meet.” What would be a perfect retirement plan? I […]
Your Retirement Plan Will Likely Run Out of Money Before You Run Out of Life
I recently ran across a special retirement report that included some shocking data. The report used historical investment results to help retirees project how long their savings will last. Of course, the hope is that your retirement savings last for the full length of your retirement. The scary news is that by using traditional investment […]
Targeting Safe Income? Preferred Stocks Can Help
In early 2020, much of the world went into a lockdown due to a medical pandemic. Governments warned millions could die. The world was scared. Headlines like, “Coronavirus sparks stock market chaos” were common. Wikipedia reports: “During March 2020, global stocks saw a downturn of at least 25%, and 30% in most G20 nations. …. […]
The Perils Of Inflation
Inflation is defined as, “A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of currency.” Inflation is a silent killer of retirement dreams. Most retiree’s income can’t keep up with inflation; even with the social security inflation rider. Jeff Clark’s article, “How to Deprogram Your Friends & Family from the Cult of Fiat Currency,” […]
Is Your Retirement Now Obsolete?
I gave myself a wake-up call. Our recent article “Thinking About Retiring? Better Think It Through!” was a jolt for sure. For decades the mantra was save money and grow your wealth. We banked on the “rule of 72”. When the accumulated interest equals 72, you would double your money. Earn 6%, in 12 years you will […]
One Easy Formula for a Retirement of Endless Income
Many investors buy hot or well-known stocks in the hope that share prices will continue to rise. However, as I was advised many years ago, hope is not a plan. The plan I share with my subscribers derives from conversations I had over several decades with investors who have actually become wealthy by investing in […]
How You Can “Buy” the Retirement of Your Dreams Today
The COVID-19 outbreak has shown us once again that life can be unpredictable. The uncertainty produced by these situations is real. Many people give in to the fear, leading to actions such as hoarding toilet paper and dumping investments to lock in their losses. Others look for opportunities to improve their futures. A rearview mirror […]
How American Retirees are Getting Scammed Out of $30 Trillion
The American Dream is simple: A fruitful career, owning your own home, and eventually reaping the fruits of your labor with a financially secure retirement. Unfortunately, for most Americans, the ‘American Dream’ is turning into just that: A dream. And it’s all thanks to what I call the $30 Trillion Retirement Scam”, you may be […]