As Central Banks buy the highest amount of gold in 56 years…

As geopolitical tensions rise…

And as gold breaks the record-high $2,085 an ounce, this is…

The #1 Bet On Gold for

Dividend Investors in 2024

This is the LAST CHANCE to buy this stock and get the inflation protection of physical gold… but also lock in huge dividends…

Before the next run-up in double-digit income growth starting in 2024


Today, I’ll show you that gold can not only preserve your net worth…

But also pay you a steady, predictable income for life…

One that is equally as safe as bonds, treasury bills, and your good old 5% paying savings account…

But you earn much, MUCH more income instead.

And contrary to bonds and savings accounts, this gold play remains untouched by inflation, interest rates and economic downturns.

The stock I’ll show you today can give you a brand-new, growing income stream… just like it did for the last 30 years to its shareholders…

Because it’s the largest gold producer in the world

Now, don’t confuse it with the typical “mining stocks” that come and go and are heavily promoted by so-called “experts.”

This company plays in a different league and has an unmatched track record:

  • It’s 103 years old…
  • It thrived through 10 market crashes and recessions…
  • It’s been paying dividends like clockwork for the last 30 years straight…
  • The dividend’s doubled since 2020
  • And currently, it yields a juicy 4.3% dividend — paid quarterly — so you can compound it much faster and watch your new dividend income grow quicker…

All based on the safest investment possible: gold.

This #1 Gold Producer is so strong, all the big names in the investing world can’t stop raving about it…

Warren Buffett admires the value this company creates for shareholders…

Billionaire, George Soros, has no doubts it’s the best gold stock you can get. He said…

And Marc Faber, a Swiss investor who predicted the October 1987 crash as well as the 2008 real estate crisis is so impressed… He says this is one of the very few companies he trusts:

And you know the best part?

This stock, unlike other stocks and instruments like that, pays you more income as the price of gold grows.

The higher gold prices go….

The bigger the dividends this stock could pay you

And boy, is gold poised to soar!

In December 2023, it hit record highs!

And now… we have all the ingredients needed for gold to skyrocket in price in the year ahead:

  • We have the highest inflation since 1982 – which means more people are buying gold to preserve their wealth
  • Central banks are buying more gold than they did in the last 56 years — so the demand is as high as it can get
  • And interest rates are the highest since 2000…

Plus, virtually all the experts that are worth listening to say that gold has already started its hike…

And together with it, your new “golden” dividend income stream has a chance to grow, too.

Obviously, the price of the stock can go up, too…

Which means nice capital gains.

The stock I’m about to show you has a massive advantage over other similar investments like bonds, T-bills, and savings accounts.

See, all these instruments depend on interest rates.

As you’ll see in a moment, interest rates are meant to go down.

It’s not a question of “if”.

It’s a question of “when.”

According to experts and even government officials, interest rates should drop like a rock soon…

To protect our economy from collapsing.

So when interest rates drop, the interest paid by bonds and T-bills drops, too.

Which means, the income bonds and savings accounts pay could shrink.

And when that happens, you may need to consider new investments to make up for that, or else you may be forced to limit your spending…

Unless you make the #1 bet on gold in 2024

It trades 14% below its book value — so you can get it at a discount if you’re fast enough.

And since its price is lower than usual — you can lock in a higher dividend.

4.3% — that’s already more than most bonds and T-bills pay right now.

That’s why this is the perfect time to lock in this dividend — and potentially watch it soar as gold rises in 2024 and beyond.

This “golden stock” is potentially the most conservative gold producer in the world

They employ over 35,000 people on 5 different continents…

They produce a whopping 6.6 million ounces of gold every year…

And they’re highly diversified.

Because apart from gold, they also produce copper and silver…

Which means they produce the key commodities that keep the world running.

Gold, silver and copper are used in electronics… hospitals… vehicles… jewelry… medicine and more.

Our #1 Gold Stock produces other commodities – which makes it a highly diversified company

No wonder this company had been constantly growing for 103 years straight…

And now it’s the world’s industry leader.

There are plenty of mining stocks out there.

But they simply don’t compare.

In fact, most of these stocks are extremely risky.

They’re young, inexperienced companies that often make poor decisions… then slip and fall and drag their shareholders to the bottom.

If you wanted to invest in one of these companies to get nice dividends off of gold, you’d need to carefully analyze dozens of businesses…

Dive deep into their financial statements…

Get to know their management teams…

And hope you didn’t miss anything important in your research.

I’ve done this type of research for 34 years.

Today, I want to share it with you,

Now, I made a few bold statements here, and you may be wondering… Who am I to know this?

My name’s Tim Plaehn.

I’m a former F16 jet fighter captain turned dividend investor with 34 years of experience.

These days, I’m well into my 60s and have over 200,000 folks just like you, looking to me for dividend advice.

Folks, who want to retire well with safe, conservative dividend investments that pay their bills — rain or shine.

I got into dividend investing after I retired from the Air Force.

And since I studied math and have always been fascinated by the idea of multiplying money, I decided to become a Certified Financial Planner.

During that time, I studied hundreds of portfolios, listened to people’s stories, and analyzed thousands of companies.

This hard work opened my eyes to a simple fact virtually no one talks about:

That investing for capital gains and selling stocks when you retire is like committing a financial suicide.

It’s like you’re cutting a tree that brings you fruits every year.

Investing for capital gains is one of the worst strategies you can use if you want to retire without money worries

I’ve heard too many stories of people who went broke because a crash wiped out their accounts…

Forcing them to sell their portfolios at dirt-cheap prices just to pay the bills.

This is when I came up with a better way of securing your financial future: investing in dividend stocks…

And years later, I used this strategy to support my parents and get them out of the retirement booby trap they got themselves in.

34 years later, I’m one of the best dividend experts in the US, and my dividend portfolio has grown by up to 40% every year — no matter the market

Here are some of my returns over the last 3 years:

Now, as you know very well, 2021 and 2022 were pretty tough for investors.

But as you can see, my strategy consistently brings profit. I can’t guarantee future profits, but can only share my track record to show what I can do for you.

Let’s compare it to the “golden standard” — the S&P 500:

In 2021, my biggest winner brought me 187% — while the S&P grew just by 28.7%.

The S&P 500 vs My Biggest Winner in 2021

But 2022 is when it gets interesting…

In 2022, the S&P LOST 18%…

But I pocketed gains like 16%… 31%… and 43%!

In fact, over the last decade, there were just two years when the S&P 500 grew slightly above 30%…

While my strategy had been bringing me a steady 40% on average — no matter the market.

I’ve built this strategy thanks to stocks like our #1 gold stock for 2024…

And other conservative stocks with immaculate track records of paying consistent income for decades.

See, I don’t care about fast gains, get-rich-quick schemes, or some weird growth stocks

I don’t hunt for “the next Amazon,” or “the new Apple”… and I don’t care if Bitcoin will rise to $100,000.

To me, all these things are gambling.

And if there’s one thing I learned in my days as a jet fighter pilot, it’s to trust the facts.

And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing for the last 34 years.

I carefully analyzed thousands of stocks.

I’ve read truckloads of financial statements…

And I’ve talked to hundreds upon hundreds of board members…

To find the absolute best companies with insane track records of paying, and raising their dividends as regular as clockwork

This is also how I found our gold stock.

It’s thanks to the reliable income this stock pays both in good and bad times, I can consistently outperform the market…

Without working for all the income that hits my account every month.

I simply hold the stock, compound my dividends for a while — and enjoy nice paydays that fund my lifestyle.

That’s what I’m all about — generating heaps of safe, predictable dividend income that pays for everything in my life

It funds my RV trips across the US…

It pays for the fancy dinners I enjoy…

It pays my bills, buys me gold bars too!

And it takes away all the worry about running out of money.

In other words, it gives me my dream lifestyle — and I don’t work a single minute for it…

Because researching these companies is my hobby, just like some people like fishing, woodworking or playing golf.

I love researching companies.

I love hunting for amazing dividend stocks.

And I love the cash they inject into my account every month.

And today, I want to show you the best bet on gold you can make in 2024…

So you too can get this steady, reliable income — and have the freedom and worry-free life you deserve

But, you have to act fast for three reasons:

  • One: The stock currently trades 14% below the company’s book value — so it’s an easy way to buy it cheaper.
  • Two: According to all the metrics and industry experts, gold is like a stretched slingshot right now. It can launch any time now — and together with it, the price of our stock.We’re in a unique moment right now when we can lock in the highest possible dividend — so you can collect more income in the coming years…Plus, if you ever decide to sell this stock — you have maximum chances to collect double-digit gain, on top of all the dividends you’ll receive in that period.
  • Three: If you want to start receiving 4.3% dividends based on gold — you need to act now BEFORE the prices shift and this opportunity is gone.

This means buying this gold stock is a no-lose proposition… not when you consider the incredible track record of this company…

But you gotta buy the stock NOW — or else you’ll miss the boat.

Speaking of track record, have a look at this:

  • They’ve been paying dividends without skipping a beat for the last 30 years
  • Their dividend doubled since 2020
  • And in 2023, they bought 5 new gold mines for a whopping $19 billion — to expand and grow even faster

So, given its track record, why is this stock trading at 14% below its book value right now?

It’s simple — everyone’s now jumping on bonds, treasuries, or AI stocks…

But this is short-term thinking.

As you’ll see in a moment, the bonanza with bonds and T-bills ends at this very moment… and when it comes to tech stocks, we all know they come and go faster than you blink an eye.

But since bonds, tech, and AI are the new fad in the mainstream media, this is what most people are buying right now.

And that’s great — because they’re doing us a favor.

They’re letting us jump in on this super-valuable company at a discount, lock in a 4.3% dividend yield…

And collect steady income backed by gold
that nothing but goes up

This is the gold price over the last 30 years:

From around $400 per ounce in 1995 — to over $2,000 right now.

That’s a 500% growth.

But more importantly, that’s a safe haven for your wealth.

If you started with $50,000 in 1995 — your money would be worth half of that today due to inflation.

But what if you invested these $50,000 in gold in 1995?

Given that gold grew by over 500% over this time, today, you’d have about $250,000 in your account!

This kind of gain beats the living daylights out of inflation.

And it’s been like that with gold for ages. So, there’s no reason it won’t be like that in the next few decades…

You see, gold is already beginning its hike… And 2024 might be the biggest gold bull run of the last few decades. Here’s why:

First of all, last year, central banks bought a record-high 704 tons of gold.

It’s the biggest shopping spree in gold since 1967…

But, in 2023, they didn’t slow down. Instead, they broke another record:

They bought a staggering 800+ tons of gold!

Imagine that you stacked 800 tons of gold bars on top of each other.

If you did that, you’d end up with a tower that’s over 1.6 miles high…

Which is over 5 times higher than the Freedom Tower in NYC.

This begs a question: Why are central banks suddenly buying so much gold?

To me, the answer is clear — they’re bullish on gold.

And since they’re bullish on gold — it means they’re bearish on other currencies.

In other words — central banks don’t believe in traditional money anymore.

And rightfully so.

The highest inflation since 1982 steals the value of the dollar — and every other major currency, every single day.

Which means that if you hold traditional money you’re getting poorer every day

Gold is an obvious choice to preserve your wealth — and banks know this better than anyone else.

So since the demand for gold is so high, why isn’t it trading at $3,000 or $5,000, as predicted by some experts?

Well, there might be a few reasons. And the biggest one of them, in my opinion, has to do with unusually high interest rates.

When interest rates are high, most people tend to buy bonds. They do it because, with high interest rates, bonds pay a relatively high income.

So, in times like now, most people aren’t interested in gold.

And since not too many people are buying — the price of gold usually drops when interest rates are high.

Here’s an example interest rate chart:

And here’s the gold price chart from the same time period:

You can clearly see the trend. Interest rates went up. The price of gold dropped.

A similar thing happened right now — but with a twist.

The price of gold didn’t drop.

It almost became frozen.


To me, it’s clear: it’s because of the central banks shopping spree

They’re buying more gold than they did in decades which keeps the price level.

But guess what?

According to government officials and other experts…

The Fed MUST lower interest rates soon — or else they’ll suffocate the economy and drag the entire country into a major recession…

Because high interest rates mean loans are expensive…

And expensive loans kill business.

CNBC reports that…

Bloomberg says…

And Vanguard predicts that…

So it’s obvious that there’s massive pressure on the Fed to lower interest rates…

Especially because inflation is slowing down.

Now, what happened when the interest rates went up?

Well, the price of gold drops normally. But in our case it froze due to the central banks’ shopping spree.

So, what will happen when interest rates go back down?

People will lose interest in bonds, and they’ll return to the most conservative investment: they’ll start buying gold again…

So the price of gold has a shot to shoot up… and together with it, the price of our gold stock… and the dividends it pays

Here’s what famous experts say about gold going up:

An investing legend, Jim Rogers, said…

A precious metals expert, Rick Rule, said…

And Peter Schiff, a famous stock broker said:

Now, do you see why central banks stock up on gold right this very moment?

Because they know that global currencies are falling apart!

They know that interest rates must go down.

And they know that the probability of gold launching into a massive hike is higher than ever before.

These banks always put their best interests front and center…

And since they are bullish on gold, so should you and me…

Because we’re in a unique moment in history.

We just had a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic…

The highest inflation since 1982…

The government issued the most insane stimulus package in the US’s history…

And we witnessed the craziest national debt growth ever.

It skyrocketed from $22 trillion in mid-2019… to $34 trillion in 2023.

That’s $12 trillion of MORE debt within 4 years!

When you look at these numbers, they dwarf any major recession from the past.

They dwarf the Great Depression… The 2008 Crisis… and even The Second World War.

It may sound crazy, but it’s true — the situation right now is more serious than most people think…

Because by looking at the numbers alone, it’s clear that we’re in big financial trouble.

Our economy is like a massive balloon that’s about to pop.

It’s still holding together — but it can burst any time now.

Now, what happens with gold during economic downturns?

It goes up… like crazy. Have a look at these historic examples:

During the Great Depression, gold more than doubled in price as investors sought refuge from the collapsing stock market and banking system.

During the 2008 Great Recession, gold prices rose by over 100% between 2008 and 2011, driven by the financial crisis.

And more recently, during the pandemic, gold prices reached an all-time high because of economic uncertainty and record-high inflation.

To me, the picture we’re seeing is clear:

Gold is like a slingshot stretched to the max about to launch in price…

And possibly grow more than most of us expect.

That’s why this is the perfect time, perfect price, and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy our gold stock…

Enjoy the steady, predictable income it pays you right when you buy it…

And when the gold-slingshot finally launches — enjoy ever-growing dividends and double-digit capital gains.

This stock is like Gold 2.0 — the safe haven of physical gold that pays you a nice, reliable income

This predictable gold-based cash hitting your account every quarter will be an unmatched asset in your portfolio…

Something that will help you sleep well…

Because you won’t be worrying about what the dummies in Washington do…

You’ll not care about the scary news headlines announcing yet another headache…

You’ll simply live your life far away from all that noise.

The “#1 best bet on gold in 2024” is the defensive player you need in your portfolio to never lose your dividend income, especially in bad times

  • It can save you from losing your net worth due to inflation…
  • It can save you from worrying what the Fed will do with interest rates…
  • And it can give you extra cash to pay your bills when everything gets more and more expensive.

And if you prefer capital gains over dividend income, it could give you potential double-digit gains.

There is no other stock that can offer you these incredible financial benefits… with such a bulletproof track record

That’s why last week, I sat down at my desk to create a complete report on this stock…

And today, I want to give you this report as a free bonus.

So you can discover the ticker symbol of this stock, a full analysis of the company behind it…

And all the reasons, data and facts about it…

So you can stop wasting time trying to find the right stocks for your portfolio…

Because I’ve done all the research for you…

And now, you can leverage it along with my experience to secure your financial future.

But before I show you the report, there’s one last thing I got for you…

And it might be the most exciting one, because…

BONUS – A second gold stock due to this new gold bull market

I’ll show you how you can earn an incredible 12.5% dividend from gold — every month

Yes, there’s another gold stock I want to share with you that can pay you unseen 12.5% dividends — every month.

But, it’s not just “some stock.”

It’s a special type of fund.

This fund is based on gold…

And generates massive profits every time the price of gold goes up.

Then, it shares this profit with shareholders.

For example, if gold trades for $1,900 today but next week jumps to $1,950 — the fund makes a lot of money.

It makes money even if the price of gold drops, but then bounces back.

And this strategy has been working extremely well for this fund…

Because it has the best returns compared to similar funds and commodities

But, the returns and capital gains are our secondary points of interest.

What puts a smile on our faces is income…

And with 12.5% in monthly dividends based on gold, this fund is simply unmatched.

These are the kind of investments most people only dream about… and they lose heaps of money chasing them.

This 12.5% dividend payer is also great for you because it gives you a low-cost exposure to gold…

Plus, it allows you to bullet-proof your portfolio:

  • First, you have physical gold as the absolute foundation
  • Then, you add our “#1 bet on gold” stock to get a reliable income that safely takes you through downturns and crashes…
  • Third, you add this 12.5% dividend payer to boost your income

This is how you milk every penny out of gold — and are prepared to profit from good times… as well as keep your income in bad times

Because the first stock gives you a lot of potential stability.

It shields you from losing income in shaky markets.

It’s like a Navy Seal standing in front of your house and scaring away burglars just by looking at them.

Then, you add the second stock that floods your account with 12.5% dividends every month…

To give you even more cash to invest, spend or save.

These two stocks are a match made in heaven for conservative dividend investors…

And right now you are at a brink of what can easily become the biggest gold bull run of the last few decades…

And by adding these two stocks, you know you’re well prepared to profit from this bull run from every possible angle…

That’s how you make the #1 best bet on gold in 2024…

And right now you get my full report on these stocks as a free bonus — with all the research, facts and details you need:

Get these 2 gold stocks in my brand new special report:

“The #1 Bet On Gold For Dividend Investors In 2024″…

Discover the king of gold producers, the 103-year-old company that thrived through 10 market crashes and recessions…

Has been paying dividends like clockwork for the last 30 years straight…

Doubled its dividends since 2020…

And currently, it yields a juicy 4.3% dividend — paid quarterly — so you can compound it much faster and watch your new dividend income grow quicker.

This company mines and produces gold in North America, South America, Australia, Africa and Papua New Guinea.

And in 2023, they made the biggest deal in history:

They bought 5 new mines for a whopping $19.2 billion.

Which is like pocket change when you compare it to all the profit they’ll make when gold becomes more and more expensive.

This company is well-prepared for the bull run.

Nothing is guaranteed, but I believe the writing is on the wall.

And it’s as healthy as a company can get — if they can make such a record-breaking purchase in such uncertain times…

While growing their dividends and never skipping a bit in payments!

This shows you how reliable this stock is — and why you should have it BEFORE gold goes up.

Plus, you get it together with the second stock that pays you an incredible 12.5% in dividends every month…

And both these stocks are based on the safest investment possible: gold.

The report with their ticker symbols is yours free — and in just a moment, I’ll show you how you can instantly access it…

But before that, I have one more surprise for you…

You see, apart from the two gold stocks I’ve just shown you, I have 37 similar, conservative, high-income stocks…

With dividend yield ranging from 5.8%… all the way to 23%…

All carefully vetted and selected by me…

All OWNED by me and thousands of people like you who are fed up with stress, worry and raising prices…

And are now on their way to retire early… buy their dream houses…

And be in full control of their lives.

They’re on a fast lane to less financial stress and more freedom to do what they want…

Without counting expenses and worrying who’s gonna pay the bills next month.

And right now, I want to show you all of these stocks…

So you can buy them right now and start collecting income that will change your life.

These stocks pay ALL my bills… fund my trips… and give me the best retirement I could ever dream of…

These stocks are also responsible for transforming the lives of thousands of people who follow my investment advice…

And you don’t need to take my word for it.

See what others say — and what’s possible with this safe, high-yield stocks:

“Wish I had started YEARS ago”
“I have been buying and selling stocks for a long time since the late 70’s… I’m 71 years old and have tried many strategies… this one makes more sense. Just wish I had started it many years ago.”

— Bill


“My account has never been better”
“My account balance hasn’t looked this good ever, and I’ve only been on board a few months.”

— Brad B.


“First time I see something that actually works!”
“I really love your program. I am going to talk to all my friends and family — first time I have seen a program really work!”

— Jack


“Never thought it’s that EASY”
“I have been investing for 6+ years. Buying, selling, listening and reading a lot. When listening and reading your approach, BAM a light went on. How easy could it be. Thank You Tim.”

— Mark


“Finally, something that WORKS”
“I have finally found a service and strategy that I feel very confident about.”

— Tom C.


“I have much more success with my investments”
“Thanks for all your hard work researching… I am finding that if I stick to following the recommended stocks, I have much more success with my investments.”

— Kris B.


“It’s nice to find great investments”
“I just love the concept… it is nice to follow an expert to find great investments.”

— Michael


“Tim bailed us out during COVID”
“Tim is the best investment advisor I’ve seen for the novice investor. He always has good advice and really bailed us out during the COVID crash. Keep up the good work.”

— Don H.

And now, it’s your turn…

  • It’s your turn to stop worrying and start living…
  • It’s your turn to spend more time with your loved ones…
  • It’s your turn to provide security for your family while doing more of the things you love…

Because right now, you can get access to my entire portfolio of 37 of these rare, high income stocks…

So you can buy them and lock in these incredibly high dividend yields…

And enjoy $2,174… $4,826… Even $5,723 and more of extra income EVERY MONTH — without investing millions of dollars! These are based on having a 6-figure retirement portfolio already.

That’s the power of high dividend yields and the 40% yearly growth I’ve seen in my own account…

I can’t promise that for you, but only share what’s worked for me.

All of that, together with The #1 Best Bet On Gold In 2024 free report is waiting for you inside my most sought-after service called The Dividend Hunter

TDH DOD TDH ipad imageThe Dividend Hunter is my high-dividend-yield newsletter created with two goals in mind:

First, to recommend you conservative, high-yielding stocks…

Stocks with decades of proven track record that never failed their investors — so they won’t fail you…

Second, to show you a different way to fund your retirement — with fast-growing dividend income that never runs out…

So you can almost instantly create an extra stream of cash that supports you in good and bad times… Without the need to ever sell a single stock from your portfolio.

For thousands (including myself), The Dividend Hunter is a shortcut to build massive wealth and financial cushion that funds their families’ lifestyle — even for generations

And now, you can join this elite group of dividend investors and get instant access to over 34 years of my painstaking research and stocks, because…

Here’s what will happen when you join us today:

First, you’ll get instant access to the free report about the two gold stocks — so you can make the best possible bet on gold in 2024.

Together with that, you’ll unlock access to the entire portfolio of 37 high-yield dividend stocks —which you won’t find anywhere else.

This is a mere fraction of all The Dividend Hunter stocks you can access in just 2 minutes from now

Then, you’ll get access to all the past issues and updates — along with multiple videos where I answer members’ questions.

And going forward, you’ll be receiving updates on our portfolio…

Which means you’ll know exactly which stocks to buy… which ones to hold… and which ones to sell…

To maximize your profit… and relax!

The Dividend Hunter boils down my 34 years of experience in finance and thousands of hours of research into 10-15 minutes of reading every month.

In The Dividend Hunter, I show you how to flip any situation in your favor and make more money no matter what happens with the markets…

For example, in 2021, when many people didn’t know what to do…

My readers and I had winners that grew as high as 187%.

In 2022, when most people lost money, we pocketed 43%.

In 2023, another 41% winner…

Plus, every month, we’re receiving ultra-high dividends!

And with just a few clicks every month, you’ll know exactly what to do to get results like these…

You’ll never be left behind…

You’ll always know your portfolio performs at its peak…

And you’ll be on your way to financial freedom, stability, and a peaceful retirement that you want.

But most importantly, you’ll get access to the same type of opportunities that constantly bring me 40% every single year, no matter what.

Opportunities like these…

Imagine investing just $50,000 in the “little-known energy stock” in 2021…

You’d end up with $31,500 of EXTRA cash on top of all the dividends you’ve received.

That’s a luxury travel for you and your wife… plus plenty to spare on groceries and bills when you’re back.

Or, let’s say you invested $100,000 in the “oil and gas leader”…

You would’ve made an insane $187,000 in profit with a conservative investment

That’s like 3 years of your bills, groceries, and other expenses paid by a single stock!

And the best thing is that while you’re pocketing these gains, and waiting for the next stock to soar…

You’re collecting 7.6% … 10%… even 23% in reliable dividends…

So you make even more money… and more money stays in your pocket.

It’s almost ridiculous to get results like that with conservative dividend stocks…

And even though nothing can be guaranteed, I’ve been successfully doing this for the last 34 years…

And I believe these stocks could work even better in 2024 and beyond, as the Fed lowers interest rates… and unlocks all the potential sitting in the “gold slingshot.”

For that, you have two incredible stocks that set you up to collect the most money from, what can easily become the biggest gold bull run of the last few decades.

Remember, in December 2023, gold reached an all-time high…

Its hike has already started…

And now it’s your time to pull the trigger…
Or miss out and regret it later

I’m showing you this opportunity for free as a bonus to The Dividend Hunter subscription…

Because I simply want you to have a better life.

See, if we ever met, we could’ve been buddies.

We’re more or less a similar age…

We’re both leaning on the conservative side of investing…

We both have our values and dreams we fight for.

And one of my dreams that actually adds meaning to my life is helping folks like you succeed with your investments…

And retire with dignity, walking around with your head up and never saying no to little-pleasures and dreams you’ve been putting off your entire life.

This is exactly what we’re doing with my readers in The Dividend Hunter.

Our little-known, high-yield stocks give us this life-changing opportunity.

Now, here comes the crazy part…

See, if I were like other “gurus,” based on results like that… I’d put an insane price tag on The Dividend Hunter…

And offer it for something like $5,000 a year.

And quite honestly, it still would’ve been a bargain…

Because you’ve seen how much you can make with these stocks…

A Steady 40% Every Year – That’s What This Unique Portfolio Has Been Paying Me Historically

And within every year we might have winners that go beyond 60%… 90%… even 180%!

So, charging $5,000 for access to this “explosive” yet conservative portfolio seems like a no-brainer, right?

You’d make it back in no time.

But, like I said earlier, I’m not like most gurus out there.

I’m a guy like you, who worked hard most of my life.

I’m not interested in “the next Tesla”… I’m not trying to make millions with Bitcoin… and I don’t care who bought Apple in 1995.

I don’t gamble with my and my readers’ money.

So, here’s the deal:

Normally, I offer The Dividend Hunter for a small yearly fee of $197…

Which is a laughable price to pay for stocks that can boost your income by 40% … 60%… 90%…

Even more than double your money within a year…

It’s a bargain of a lifetime.

But, you’ll get an even better deal than that

See, I’m convinced you’ll love The #1 Bet On Gold In 2024 stocks…

And you’ll enjoy your new 12.5% stream of high dividend income from gold…

Plus, you’ll be blown away by the entire collection of my 37 high-yield dividend stocks… especially as some of them grow in capital and multiply your returns.

In other words, I know that The Dividend Hunter can be a game-changer for you, your family, and your future…

And that’s why I made joining it an absolute no-brainer for you

I KNOW that The Dividend Hunter can transform your financial future.

That’s why, I decided to give you a special “Welcome Deal” available now.

Plus, when you join right now, you’ll lock in a lifetime discount.

Now, based on my proven, 34-year track record of investing in high-yield dividend stocks…

You’ll potentially make the cost back multiple times over within the first month — just with the 2 gold in your bonus report

And then, it will only get better as you invest more… collect more dividends… and pocket more capital gains.

After you see how fast your new dividend income grows — you’ll become a new person.

You’ll never look at investing, income, and your finances the same way.

And like most of my readers, you may become so excited, you’ll even drop most everything else and double down on your new dividend income!

You’ll be blown away by how rapidly your income grows…

Just as almost every single person who joins The Dividend Hunter.

Here’s what my readers say:

Plus, Leane S. wrote:

“I just wanted to send you a note to thank you for your excellent investment guidance! I especially appreciate your honesty.”

And Gerald C. added that…

“I have been a satisfied customer since joining [you]. I would highly recommend your service. It is honest and clear. Keep up the good work in helping people.”

But… I won’t try to convince you that The Dividend Hunter is the right choice for you.

Instead, I’ll let you test-drive it for a whole year and make up your own mind!

Test Drive The Dividend Hunter For A Full YEAR. If You Don’t Like It, You’ll Get A Full Refund. Simple As That

Simply join The Dividend Hunter today for $120 OFF, lock in your lifetime discount, and get instant access to our full portfolio and all the resources.

Get your bonus report and set yourself up for incredible potential profits from gold in 2024.

Discover the best dividend stocks on the market that are right here in our portfolio…

Then, invest a few thousand dollars…

And see for yourself the power of high-yield dividends…

And the massive income potential hidden in these little-known, reliable stocks.

If, after a whole year of access to this unique portfolio, you’re unhappy with your results…

Just shoot me an email, and I’ll refund you every single penny — no questions asked.

This is your unique opportunity to access conservative, ultra-high dividend stocks that can quickly start paying your bills…

And fund your lifestyle or retirement — without selling
any of your stocks!

Plus, when you join now, you’ll also get…

FREE Bonus #1: The #1 Best Bet On Gold For Dividend Investors in 2024

You’ll receive a full report on the two stocks you need to buy as soon as possible to benefit from the gold hike that has started already.

With these two stocks, you’ll be prepared for this bull run from every possible angle…

You’ll have the security of physical gold…

You’ll get steady, conservative 4.3% dividend income that grows together with the price of gold…

And you’ll collect an incredible 12.5% in monthly dividends from the second stock…

So your gold portfolio should be as safe and profitable as humanly possible…

And you’ll never regret that you missed out on a generational opportunity to boost your income and wealth with gold…

Because your free report is right here waiting for you in your member area the moment you subscribe!

FREE Bonus #2: Weekly mailbag videos from me, Tim Plaehn.

Every week, I’ll record a quick 3-5 minute video and send it to your email.

I may answer some of your questions…

Go over breaking news on one of our stocks…

Share research about the economy… and more.

This is pure, unfiltered Tim in your inbox.

I’ve recorded videos from my office for 8 years, thousands regularly read my stuff.

Every important move in our positions…

Every burning question you have…

All addressed each week.

I do the work — you collect money.

FREE Bonus #3: Weekly buy/sell recommendations

When one of our stocks goes on sale, you have a shot at buying shares at a nice discount.

I’ll tell you which stock is on sale.

I’m not going to bore you with long, drawn-out issues.

You’ll receive an alert as needed.

Similarly when one of our stocks is not attractive anymore…

Or when it’s time to sell for maximum profit…

I’ll let you know about it too.

I’ll give you a “to-the-point” reason why we’re buying (or selling) so that you know exactly why we’re making this move…

And what’s in it for you.

Then, I’ll follow-up on it during the Weekly Mailbags.

FREE Bonus #4: A login portal to house all your special reports, alerts, and videos.

It’ll be at

Once you join The Dividend Hunter, I’ll send you a secure and personalized login link.

All hosted for free — so that you can conveniently access everything in one place…

No matter where you are…

Or what device you’re using.

You get all of that for free with your subscription to The Dividend Hunter

Together with a massive collection of 37 conservative, high-yield dividend stocks that pay you more income in a shorter time than any other conservative investment type…

So click the button below and get access right now — before all these hot opportunities take off:

In The Dividend Hunter, You Got Me in your corner… dropping more and more lucrative stocks into our portfolio…

So don’t waste time wondering if joining me is right for you or not — because you can try it 100% risk free…

And instead of wondering, you can become certain if The Dividend Hunter is for you.

So do it now because money loves speed…

The stocks in our portfolio won’t stay cheap forever…

And gold won’t wait for you to collect massive, predictable dividends and capital gains.

With every minute you’re hesitating, you’re losing your chance to grab these unusually high profits from conservative stocks:

The longer you wait, the more stress you’ll have…

Stress you can 100% avoid with the right income investments.

And the stocks included in the #1 Best Bet On Gold In 2024 free report are the best possible picks you can add to your portfolio NOW…

Because it is the RIGHT time to get in at a 14% discount…

It is the RIGHT time to lock in an incredible 4.3 and 12.5% dividend yields…

And it is the RIGHT time to jump into the next gold bull run — that could explode possibly as soon as in 2024.

In fact, the hike has already started. We had the record-high in December 2023… after record highs earlier that year!

This means it’s a generational buying opportunity… Something you’ll be telling about to your grandkids 10 … 20 … 30 years later…

And you’ll be proud of yourself because you were the one of very few people who knew what was going on…

And set themselves up for massive profits, and an endless high dividend income that changed their lives.

With these stocks in your portfolio, you can quickly build an extra stream of cash that exceeds $19,000 a year…

And when you add other stocks and strategies I share with you, you can multiply this and go as high as $50,000/year and more — without investing millions!

Which means more money stays in your pocket every single year:

  • More money to reinvest, compound, and rapidly grow your new income stream…
  • More money for unexpected bills or regular expenses…
  • More money to spend on your hobby, take your wife to a fancy restaurant, and pay your kids’ student loans

As much as I hate to say it, the fact is that…

Most Americans are doomed — because they don’t know about these stocks

They’ll keep doing what most people do…

They’ll panic, sell their stocks dirt cheap, and realize they have not enough money to retire well.

It’s a true horror — that’s why I launched The Dividend Hunter to give you an alternative.

An alternative that puts you ahead of others…

Because you’re about to make the #1 best bet on gold in 2024.

And you’re about to discover our entire portfolio of 37 high-yield dividend stocks…

Ready to inject income into your account, month after month for the rest of your life.

That’s why, while others are panicking, you stay away from the noise

You’ll simply live a good, peaceful life.

And this is what joining The Dividend Hunter gives you — so why not try it right now, because you can do it 100% risk-free…

And if you don’t like it, you have a FULL YEAR to claim a full refund of your membership fee, no questions asked.

It may be the best investment you ever made.

Click the button below to get started — and secure your instant access to The Dividend Hunter with all the stocks, videos, and resources.

When you click that button, you’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can complete your order.

It’s a safe and encrypted page that protects your data — which means you can safely join The Dividend Hunter right now:

P.S. I’ve been helping people secure their financial future on a larger scale for over 11 years now…

And together with my publisher, Investor Alley, we received an amazing, 4.5 star rating:

This is how the readers rate me and my publisher

Now, below you can see how other readers rated my competitors:

These are the ratings of my competitors!

So I’ll let this speak for itself…

And just so you know, The Dividend Hunter is my high-dividend-yield newsletter created with two goals in mind:

First, to recommend you conservative and safe investments…

Stocks with decades of proven track record that never failed their investors — so they won’t fail you…

Second, to help you pay your bills for life.

For thousands (including myself), The Dividend Hunter is a shortcut to build massive wealth and financial cushion that can fund their family’s lifestyle — even for generations

And now, you can join this elite group of dividend investors and get instant access to over 34 years of my painstaking research and stocks, because…

And you don’t need to wonder if this is the right choice for you.

Just join it today and take it for a test drive…

And if you’re unhappy for any reason or no reason whatsoever…

You have FULL YEAR to claim a full refund — no questions asked.

So go ahead and give it a try right now — and make up your own mind: