modern warehouse

The Unknown Tech Company: GXO Logistics

Perhaps no sector is thought to be as boring as logistics. Yet, in today’s post-pandemic world, if you’re looking for profitable investing opportunities, logistics is also one of the most exciting sectors for investors. That’s why I’m bringing to your attention the world’s largest pure-play contract logistics provider, GXO Logistics (GXO), which owns about 900 […]

Two Investing Themes to Beat This Crisis

Two Investing Themes to Beat This Crisis

Dear Investor, It seems we are going through several years of constantly hearing about the latest crisis – such as the pandemic and war – and we must figure out the best course of action. In part because of this most recent crisis, much of the stock market has fallen to correction territory. But there […]

Trade of the Week: BITO

Trade of the Week: BITO

The market has been in a downturn lately and this include bitcoin. ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), which tracks bitcoin futures, is down about 18% year-to-date. BITO trades a fair amount of options on the average day – about 70,000 – so it was surprising to see a 22,400 block of April puts trade last […]

car dashboard with phone navigation. car travel

Investing Lessons from 8 Hours on the Road

Dear Investor, I write this after spending a long day driving from the Reno, Nevada, area to Las Vegas, where I currently am as a speaker for the MoneyShow investors’ conference. It’s a 440-mile drive, so I had plenty of time to listen to CNBC on Sirius/XM radio. Eight hours of listening to the financial […]

Buy These 3 Dividend Paying Oil Stocks With Oil Breaking $100 Yesterday

Buy These 3 Dividend Paying Oil Stocks With Oil Breaking $100 Yesterday

By now, you’re aware that Russia has attacked Ukraine. As Reuters reported: “In announcing a major military operation, Russian President Vladimir Putin deflected global condemnation and cascading new sanctions—and chillingly referred to his country’s nuclear arsenal as he threatened any foreign country attempting to interfere with ‘consequences you have never seen.’” Unfortunately, the situation could […]

My Favorite Intermediate Term Moving Average

My Favorite Intermediate Term Moving Average

There’s one tactic I use to immediately tell me whether I should look at a “bullish” or “bearish” position on a stock.  I put this on a chart… I look at it… Within 0.5 seconds, I know whether the stock is moving in a positive direction or a negative direction. You would’ve abandoned tech stocks […]

Beat Inflation with These Profit-Linked Dividends

Beat Inflation with These Profit-Linked Dividends

Dear Investor, Investors are rightfully worried about inflation, which is now running at more than 7%. It will be challenging to decide which companies and stocks will be hurt by higher prices and which will benefit. One surefire strategy will be to invest in commodity producers that have directly linked their dividends to profits. These […]