Trade of the Week: HYG

Trade of the Week: HYG

Last week, we saw a substantial amount of options activity in the iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Bond ETF (HYG). HYG is a very popular ETF used for tracking junk bonds (aka high yield bonds). The ETF normally has about 220,000 options contacts that trade per day on average, but on a busy day last […]

Here’s Where to Invest in Volatile Markets

Here’s Where to Invest in Volatile Markets

Markets have become incredibly volatile lately. This is all thanks to fears around inflation, the Federal Reserve, higher energy prices, and the debt ceiling, not to mention the concerns the global economy is slowing. Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is concerned, cutting its global economic forecast thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, while […]

Swing Trade Open For Airlines

Swing Trade Open For Airlines

Airline stocks haven’t moved much in a few months. They were mega-popular during the March 2020 drop as many cratered 50-70%. In 2021, they’ve traded a bit choppy. But, I’m looking at one airline that could be ready to run in the short-term. Oil prices used to be a big deal for airlines… but that […]

The business woman investor trading or stock brokers having a planning and analyzing with display screen and pointing on the data presented and deal on a stock exchange.

Finding Safety and Yield Out of 581 Preferred Stocks

Nearly every day, I hear from my newsletter subscribers expressing concern about a possible stock market “crash.” The crash prediction gig is a good one, with excellent compensation and no accountability. Still, whether or not the markets are due for a tumble, we should be aware of the risks in our portfolios and have some […]

Protecting Your Downside Exposure with Options

Protecting Your Downside Exposure with Options

It’s never a bad idea to know how to minimize your equity exposure, especially right now, as the market is showing some cracks in its armor lately. The S&P 500 was down roughly 5% in September, the first down month in 2021 since January, and the largest since the pandemic hit in March 2020. Granted, […]

Trade of the Week: UNG

Trade of the Week: UNG

There’s been a lot of unusual action in United States Natural Gas (UNG) recently. The natural gas ETF was down 6.5% one day last week, but has gained over 100% for the year due to global supply shortages. On the big down day, 58% of the 46,000 options traded were calls, which suggests some traders […]