A hand Trading online on tablet with business paper and coffee

How To Make 344% From Stocks Going Higher

When buying options, it’s generally a good idea to keep the capital outlay to a minimum whenever possible, because options typically lose value at a regular rate due to time decay. As such, minimizing the option premium paid (the cost) is essentially the same as lowering risk. Using vertical spreads is one way to take […]

Silver Spring, MD, USA 11/10/2020: Exterior view of the headquarters of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This federal agency approves medications, vaccines and food additives for human use.

AXSM Stock Price Pops on FDA Announcement

According to the National Institutes of Health, an estimated 7% of U.S. adults, or approximately 19 million, experience MDD each year, as reported by Axsome Therapeutics (AXSM). In addition, “according to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of […]

Trade of the Week: NKLA

Trade of the Week: NKLA

After dropping out of the spotlight in recent months, option trading in Nikola (NKLA) is back. The electric truck designer is expecting to install hydrogen filling stations in CA, and the stock jumped nearly 15% on the day the news broke. Considering the company hasn’t produced anything meaningful to date, the crowd took this as […]

Why Is SKLZ Stock Dropping?

Why Is SKLZ Stock Dropping?

Skillz (SKLZ), the mobile games platform, had seen its share price plummeting since it’s all time high in early February. Now SKLZ is racing higher after releasing its outlook for the first quarter. For the quarter, the company expects to post revenue of $80 million, which is above an analyst range of $72.2 million to […]

The Best Post-Pandemic High-Yield Dividend Turnaround Stock

The Best Post-Pandemic High-Yield Dividend Turnaround Stock

The “coronacrash” of February–March 2020 devastated some previously outstanding income stocks. It has been interesting to watch how different companies handled the crisis and how they have performed coming out of the ruins. One of my favorite finance real estate investment trusts (REITs) has made all the right moves to keep the recovery of the […]