AAPL, AMZN Hitting All-Time Highs With Gold and GDX Following

Is Now the Time to Buy More Gold?

Gold has been around since the beginning of time. It sits in a lump, doesn’t pay interest; yet governments around the world hoard it, and investment pundits recommend we own some. As kids, we watched movies about pirates stealing it, governments fighting over it and women swooning when they receive it as a gift. Warren […]

PLL Stock Price Up Four Fold In Less Than A Month

PLL Stock Price Up Four Fold In Less Than A Month

Shares of Piedmont Lithium (PLL) exploded again to a high of $49.95 after trading at just $8.79 in mid-September 2020. The stock is still running after signing a deal with Tesla to help secure lithium supply. “The deal is for five years of lithium-ore supply with an extension for another five years. Deliveries are expected to start […]

MSTB: A Better Way to Get Broad Stock Exposure and Beat SPY

MSTB: A Better Way to Get Broad Stock Exposure and Beat SPY

One of the more intriguing current trends in U.S. investing is the growing number of strategic ETFs that have become available to investors. Index investors have typically used ETFs like SPY to capture the action of the broader market. However strategic ETFs represent or emulate an entire trading strategy, rather than just tracking an index […]

Trade of the Week: Datadog

Trade of the Week: Datadog

Tech remains the most interesting sector when it comes to unusual options activity. Just recently, options traders were very active in Datadog (DDOG) options. DDOG is a software analytics company that just announced a big deal with Microsoft. The stock jumped higher on the news, over 17% on the week of the announcement. So far, […]

Is The 200 Day Average Telling Us Something?

Is The 200 Day Average Telling Us Something?

Today we’re looking at and addressing whether the 200-day moving average is important! I think a lot of people focus on this average because: 1: The media talks about it a lot 2: It is an oversimplification of things going on in the market Nevertheless, the 200-day moving average does in fact hold some intrinsic […]