Trade of the Week: GOLD

Trade of the Week: GOLD

 After what has been a lackluster summer so far for gold, the precious metal could be due for a rebound in the coming year. A trader purchased a large block of calls in Barrick Gold (GOLD), one of the largest gold mining companies in the world. These calls don’t expire for another year and won’t […]

These ETFs Do the Income Options Trading for You

These ETFs Do the Income Options Trading for You

The covered call trading strategy uses call options to generate extra income from stock investments without much added risk. No wonder income-focused investors like these trades. But for those who don’t want to dabble in options yourself, there’s a handful of single stock covered call ETFs that let you benefit from the strategy without the […]

Why the Great Jobs Numbers are Actually a Bad Sign

Why the Great Jobs Numbers are Actually a Bad Sign

The latest jobs numbers are great, with unemployment at just 3.6%. That’s very, very low. Great news, right? Lots of analysts seem to think so. But that’s because they seem to think things will just continue improving at the same rate as they have so far. In today’s video, I pull up a chart that […]

The Hidden Bull Market in Water Technology

The Hidden Bull Market in Water Technology

While artificial intelligence (AI) grabs most of the financial news headlines in 2023, there is another area of technology that’s increasingly in the spotlight. This technology is related to the one thing everything else on the planet relies on: water. Earlier this year, the United Nations World Water Development Report 2023 made for grim reading. […]

Trade of the Week: XLF

Trade of the Week: XLF

It’s the summer doldrums in the trading world, so traders are making due with whatever the market is willing to give. For instance, last week a strategist placed what appears to be a covered call trade in the Financial Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLF). This popular financial sector ETF is generally not very volatile and […]

Do This to Stay on the Fed’s Good Side

Do This to Stay on the Fed’s Good Side

“Don’t fight the Fed.” Famed fund manager Marty Zweig came up with that one in 1970 and repeated it religiously until he passed away in 2013. The Federal Reserve has been raising rates since March of 2022, and Fed funds rates have gone from 0.25% to more than 5%. Three-month Treasury yields have risen from […]

How ETFs Really Work – And Why It Matters

How ETFs Really Work – And Why It Matters

Active investors typically hold a lot of different types of securities in their brokerage accounts. From interacting with my newsletter subscribers, I know that many of them think of every investment in their brokerage account as “stocks”; however, much of what we own may not be common stock shares. This may seem like a minor […]