Why It’s Time to Buy This Oil Service Firm

Why It’s Time to Buy This Oil Service Firm

I always find the oil industry interesting… For instance, did you know that unconventional oil production – U.S. shale – was the only source of growth in global oil supply over the last 12 years? The only growing non-OPEC basin is the Permian Basin in West Texas. Never before has global oil supply growth been […]

These Stocks Are Set to Benefit From the Rise of “Green Hydrogen”

These Stocks Are Set to Benefit From the Rise of “Green Hydrogen”

Many expect that hydrogen can and will be a carbon-free substitute for natural gas. My research shows that existing manufacturers and energy midstream companies could handle much of the transition. These facts heighten the long-term investment potential of the companies that will produce and deliver hydrogen to utility companies. Let’s talk about what “green hydrogen” […]

Trade of the Week: NKLA

Trade of the Week: NKLA

Sometimes large block options trades can leave you scratching your head. For example, why would Nikola (NKLA), a publicity- challenged electric truck company, have a 50,000-lot 3-way spread trade in its options? After all, the stock is only trading around $1 per share. It looks like this could be a cheap put spread collar for […]

One of My Favorite Dividend Growth Stocks Is on Sale

One of My Favorite Dividend Growth Stocks Is on Sale

The 2022 bear market took the real estate investment trust (REIT) sector down, along with the broader stock market. Most of the stock market bottomed in October 2022, but has recovered a significant portion of the bear market losses. REITs have not participated in the recent market gains, with share prices remaining near their 18-month […]

Garner Income from This Pharma Giant

Garner Income from This Pharma Giant

The stock market offers pockets of opportunity in sectors that combine a decent dividend yield with a good quality business. In other words, growth and income. One such sector is the pharmaceuticals sector, which overall has lagged the S&P 500 in the past five years, although not by much. There are, no doubt, some world-class […]

Is This the Time to “Buy the Dip” in Regional Banks?

Is This the Time to “Buy the Dip” in Regional Banks?

Due to the collapse of multiple banks in March, we’ve seen regional banks stay depressed in pricing.  There’s been little pop back to the upside.  And, as more people wake up to the fact that keeping your money in low-interest checking accounts isn’t smart… We could keep seeing more deposits flee the small banks.  However […]

Japanese Stocks are Finally Hot Again

Japanese Stocks are Finally Hot Again

Warren Buffett has done it again, racking up another profitable investment in the span of a few years. This time, he went across the Pacific Ocean to the stock bargain basement known as Japan. His surprise bet on five Japanese companies has nearly tripled in size—to $17 billion—in under three years. The surge partially reflects […]

Trade of the Week: Real Estate

Trade of the Week: Real Estate

Short-term options trades have become increasingly popular in recent months. These types of trades can be used for both speculation and hedging. For instance, a strategist apparently decided that the day of the FOMC meeting was a good time to buy a bearish put spread on iShares US Real Estate ETF (IYR). This two-week block […]