June marks the 10th anniversary of my Dividend Hunter newsletter. While I tend to stay in my bubble and work, I am told that very few investment newsletters reach the ten-year mark. I attribute the longevity of the Dividend Hunter to an effective investment strategy and an engaged subscriber base that helps me work every day to improve the service.

At the newsletter’s launch, I wanted to offer investment ideas and a strategy that would work through the stock market’s ups and downs—especially the downs.
As I thought about investment strategies, I wanted to get away from guessing where share prices would go and counting on capital appreciation to provide the returns my subscribers would need.
Dividend income is consistent and predictable. My focus with the Dividend Hunter strategy is to help investors build an especially stable, and growing, high-yield income stream. Unlike typical dividend growth strategies, which recommend stocks with yields of 3% to 5%, I look for yields of 8% and higher.
I teach subscribers to manage their portfolios to earn a growing income stream. Our primary tracking metric is the amount of quarterly income earned. With this focus, worries about share prices and market timing disappear.
Many subscribers have told me that the Dividend Hunter has helped them ensure their retirements are secure, and they can now sleep soundly at night without worrying about their retirement savings.
Investing for income lets you comfortably buy shares when the market is down with the understanding that buying shares “on sale” will boost your income even faster and increase your wealth when the market recovers.
The current Dividend Hunter portfolio is divided into three categories.
The Stable Dividend Investments category includes 17 stocks and funds with predictable and growing dividends. The category has an average yield of 8.8%.
The Variable Dividend Investments category includes an eclectic mix of commodity-focused investments and option strategy funds. The seven Variable Dividend investments have a current average yield of 13.9%.
The Fixed Income Investments category consists of a dozen investments, split between individual preferred stocks and fixed-maturity bond ETFs. Its current average yield is 8.8%.
The Dividend Hunter service has more than 25,000 subscribers, and as I noted above, it has changed lives for the better. I look forward to seeing what we accomplish over the next ten years.
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